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My name is Dr Anirudh Bhardwaj (Ani), I am a current Anaesthetic Registrar training in Queensland, Australia. I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with some amazing colleagues who's journey to becoming doctors and specialists are so unique they must be heard. I created Sweet Dreams Anaesthesia to share these journeys with you and impart some wisdom I wish I had when I started my training in Anaesthetics. 

My Story

As you may have guessed I was born in India and my family migrated to Australia when I was young. I have grown up in Brisbane, graduated with MBBS in 2016 and completed my Masters of Public Health with a special interest in Global health in 2020 . Like many young doctors I was never really sure on what speciality I wanted to pursue and found everything interesting and challenging. I liked the adrenaline rush critical care gave me but knew it probably wasn't sustainable to live on that high for my whole life. Anaesthetics gives me the balance of having that rush but also being able to explore my passions. I have always looked up doctors who had the ability to teach well and make you excited about learning. I think sharing knowledge and experiences is what makes us better clinicians and ultimately be able to give the highest level of care to patients.


Sweet Dreams Anaesthesia was created for two reasons. Firstly, the Anaesthetic training program is tough, I have recently gone through my Primary ANZCA exam and safe to say this experience has changed me. With so many good resources available it's easy to be overloaded by information when studying for this exam. I wanted to share some tips and tricks that I learned along the way. While I was studying I started to make recordings of myself going through topics that I would listen to. Now that I have passed the exam I don't want them to go to waste, even if one candidate listens to them and is able to get something out of it, sharing this will be worth it.


My own disclaimer - I'm not a prize winner (I'm still deflated I didn't get a merit), this is not a definitive guide for the Primary. I will be the first to admit there might be some omissions and errors however, I do my best to fact check everything I say and I am always open to feedback! I want to learn and improve continuously. All my recommendations of Must Have's $, Must Have's Free, Useful links, come from my experience and are what I wish I knew to help me streamline my study. My style of education/podcast might not suit everyone and that's okay because I want to encourage sharing resources. Ultimately I just want any candidate who visits this site to be able to find a resource that makes their studying easier!!


The second reason I started Sweet Dreams Anaesthesia was to share stories of colleagues about their journey to medicine. I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing people who continue to inspire me. I hope that any health professional who listens will gain insight into what it takes to get onto a speciality training program. How the road to becoming a consultant is not always straight forward. 


I hope you enjoy and Happy dreaming!


If you have any feedback please get in touch

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